
Últimos Cómics

First Internet Interaction

To that stranger on the KOOL Tree House chat room, I gotta hand it to you: You were, ultimately, not wrong.

Universe Price Tiers

In Universe Pro®™ the laws of physics remain unchanged under time reversal, to maintain backward compatibility.

America Songs

Juraaaassic Park, Juraaaassic Park, God shed his grace on theeeee

Cloud Swirls

'Why did you get into fluid dynamics?' 'Well, SOME planet has to have the coolest clouds, odds are it's not ours, and rockets are slow.'

Tetherball Configurations

Ground-pole-ball-pole can be fun if you shake the first pole to get the second one whipping around dangerously, but the ball at the joint gets torn apart pretty fast.

Physics Safety Tip

In general, avoid exposure to any temperatures, pressures, particle energies, or states of matter that physicists think are neat.

Age Milestone Privileges

If you reach 122, you get complete unrevertible editorial control over Jeanne Calment's Wikipedia article.

Gen Z

Curdled milk, of a peculiar kind, made after a Bulgarian recipe and called "yaghurt," is now a Parisian fad and is believed to be a remedy against growing old. A correspondent who has tried it, says he would prefer to die young. (1905, The Elk Falls Journal)